Month: November 2014

Mostachones, Mexican Milk Candy

Mostachones, Mexican Milk Candy

Mostachones, Mexican milk candy- are an easy and delicious sweet made with cream, sugar, butter and spices.

Sopa de Albondigas

Sopa de Albondigas

A Thanksgiving twist on traditional Mexican meatball soup, sopa de albondigas.

Frijoles Borrachos

Frijoles Borrachos

Let me tell you about my very food focused friends before I tell you about these frijoles borrachos.


Machaca con Huevos

Machaca con Huevos

Machaca con Huevos is a Mexican version of steak and eggs, with slow cooked marinated in chili sauce, shredded, topped with eggs.

Fried Cashew Nut Chicken

Fried Cashew Nut Chicken

Easy Thai Fried Cashew Nut Chicken is a quick stir-fry dish that can be made in less than thirty minutes, even with a side of rice.

Pad Thai

Pad Thai

It’s been awhile, but I’ve been so busy with work and home and life and traveling that cooking has been a bit of an afterthought (it happens to the best of us).  HF to the rescue and with her help, I’m sharing with you some easy and tasty Thai favorites before I hunker down with Mexico. First up, pad thai.
