Month: January 2016

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. Well dudes and dudettes, January’s over.  Gone in the blink of an eye, it seems. Did your resolutions make it? The year of balance is going well for me, and this weekend has been the best example:  good food, a much overdo catching…

Homemade Chai

Homemade Chai

Homemade chai is a traditional Indian spiced tea you can make from home without added syrups or artificial flavors and colors.

Cannoli Granola Breakfast Bowl

Cannoli Granola Breakfast Bowl

I’ve kind of been sucking at breakfast lately. It’s my favorite meal of the day and I just can’t get inspired.  I was pretty stuck on smoothies all summer long but-news flash– it’s averaging 20 degrees these days, and frozen blueberries aren’t going to do it.  Oatmeal, my usual winter staple, has been met by my stomach with a lackluster response as of late and I haven’t often had the forethought to make something like the brown bread or English muffins freezer ready.  I’ve honestly been at a huge loss.  Then, after a delicious dinner at Gene & Georgetti’s for restaurant week and after one bite of tiramisu, I was struck with a craving for all things Italian which, if you know me, is hella weird.  Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling and figured I’d do my best to turn one of my favorite Italian desserts, the cannoli, into something I can eat for breakfast on the reg, or at least until it is once again smoothie season and I came up with a Cannoli Granola Breakfast Bowl.


Chicken Tacos with Tequila Caramelized Onions

Chicken Tacos with Tequila Caramelized Onions

So here we are, day 18 of the-cold-that-will-not-end. I’m cheering myself up by making chicken tacos with tequila caramelized onions.

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. Yes, that’s supposed to be me. No, it does not really look like me.  Yes, I downloaded an app pointedly earmarked for “teens.”  And yes, I painstakingly spent more time than I will admit trying to get it to look like me.  I…

Steak Frites

Steak Frites

So I’m pretty good at planning what I’m going to make for you, even if I’m not so good at the making it more than 2 days ahead of what you see here.  Today, we have this: steak frites.    You know what did not make the cut on the list of 15+ things to “make soon”?  Steak frites.  What happened was that I went to the grocery starving on Wednesday after work and saw that steak was on sale, thought, “ooh steak!”, got home and went “hmm…steak. Steak…” and now we have steak frites. It’s okay because in the whole scheme of food impulse buys, it could be worse.


Peanut Butter Hob Nobs

Peanut Butter Hob Nobs

My favorite UK biscuit given a decidedly American twist, these peanut butter hob nobs elevate this oat cookie to the next level.

TemecuLaw, 2016

TemecuLaw, 2016

This is what a perfect weekend looks like… Written during all the gabbing…

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings


Hello, Sunday.

Isn’t that picture a beaut?  This is where I am this weekend, in Temecula, California, reunioning and vacationing with Leek, Lettuce, Andouille and Dandelion.  They’re my people- the ones that I don’t see for 18 months and fall back into a rhythm with 0.006 seconds after we reunite at the airport.  

We’ve had mostly smooth sailing, save for a few close calls, most notably when Andouille exited our moving car, that he was driving, after freaking out about parallel parking. Thankfully, my catlike reflexes got me into the driver’s seat with my foot on the break to avoid an imminent car crash.  It was funny/scary.

The news was filled with sad things this week, but then the internet provides uplifting things to make us all feel better and laugh away our tears. Here’s a glimpse.

RIP, Professor Snape.  You will be missed.

You, too, Mr. Bowie.

Poop pills to cure obesity? Maybe some day.

Why are people mean? Parenting is hard enough with the judgment that pierces with the pain of 1000 swords.  Even if you’re Mark Zuckerberg.

I’m busy! There I said it, though I’m not proud of it.  Perhaps time to reconsider my choice of words.

Science, ya’ll.  How to defrost your windshield effortlessly.  Helpful life tip.

More helpful life tips:  Cookie and beer pairings. All the delicious.

We might have crappy politics right now, but we do have free refills.  25 Immigrants to America reveal their most pleasant surprise.  “Yes, I’m fat now.”  

Love stories, as told by men vs. women.  An interesting look at the great love stories.

My last day as a surgeon.  Tears.

Brain teasers! Ours were definitely teased.

And finally, puppies and babies!  Smiles for Sunday.  

Psst:  Remember how I’m teaching a bread baking class?  Sign up here! 🙂

Written while my stupid aforementioned friends made me watch (i.e. hide behind my computer screen) a horror movie.

Ham and Lentil Soup

Ham and Lentil Soup

The easy, delicious and hearty ham and lentil soup gives leftover ham bones new life, stealing their flavor for a brand new dish.