Sunday Somethings


Indeed it is.

Hello, Sunday.

I woke up this morning singing “It’s a Sunshine Day!” (from the Brady Bunch, in case you didn’t know) and I’m going to take it as a good sign (despite whatever feelings you may have about the Brady Bunch).

While my Canadian friends are celebrating a long weekend now, we’re counting down to ours Stateside and I can’t wait. I don’t have any show-stopping plans for Memorial Day, but I’ll be thankful for any chance to not have to put on my work hat.

To celebrate, we’ve got burgers up the wazoo coming at you this week, and they are all worthy of a little excitement.

So are these things, the internet thinks. Here we go:

Back to my Brady comments earlier, we can use music to regulate mood. I think we all knew it, but now it’s official.

The joys of parenthood. Joys, in retrospect.

Does size matter?  Even the ancients seemed to think so.

Hold on to those Facebook rants. They could cost you your security clearance

Crowdfunding divorce?  I’m not sure divorce is something that warrants receiving gifts.

Congrats to General Lori Robinson, who just became the highest ranking woman in U.S. military history!

We throw out so much good food, but here’s a great idea on what to do with it instead.

Last night, I wore heels for the first time in like, four months.  I went to see The King and I, so a trip to the theatre made it worth it, but normally I just don’t do them. And my feet thank me.

Related and maddening:  woman sent home without pay for wearing flats. Yes, it’s real.

Only the good die young, and these golden oldies are proof.

Excuse me while I shake myself. Did I just time warp back fifty years?

And finally, THIS is how you wedding.

Thanks to Yam, now a regular co-curator of The Somethings. 

Written after sleeping in (!).

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2 thoughts on “Sunday Somethings”

  • Crowdfunding your divorce is totally not a thing…………nor do I think anyone should receive gifts for a wedding. Are you kidding me? YOU decided to spend your life with another person why am I aiding in your gadget collection/paying for this party? Weddings are not deserving of gifts. (I’m a horrible person and sometimes I don’t question why people think I’m a curmudgeonly 98 year old on the inside)

    • I agree about the divorce, but I’ve funded enough people’s happiness to get some love myself!

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