Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

The weekend, the weekend. How fast those 48 hours of joy fly by. It really is so sad.

Yesterday I played my first competitive tennis match since N’SYNC topped the charts and let’s just say I choked. I choked so hard, and because of that we went from being up a set to losing it in a tie breaker. I hate losing, especially when we could have won. Note to self: work on mental toughness.

Silver lining about my above flop is that I have a day more to play with, and I might head over to the local street fest and get me some Greek food.  Yes, I think I will.

I hope yours was relaxing and not too hot.  If it was, I hope you found adequate cold beverages.

Damn, this week.  THIS WEEK. So much damn drama and you know I can’t stop watching and reading all the things about it?  I hate myself for it a lot.  Earning myself grey hairs and wrinkles, no doubt.  Let’s see what else was out there for the reading:

My poor Crawley freaked out about the move, and while Mom helped me out so much, I probably could have done better. Got a furry friend that you have to move?  Here are some good tips, at least I thought.

I’d know that silhouette anywhere, Mary Poppins!

If we could all agree to stop pressuring women, no matter how old they are, into baby-making, the truth is that the world be a much better place — for me, at least.  God bless my wonderful mother who makes no such comments but with my besties and I heading towards 36 and up…it’s a regular part of conversations these days. Especially since so many of us are still unattached.

Related a little, okay not really, but smiling baby gorilla!

Reading the Harry Potter books actually may make you a better person. Well, I’m not sure about that, but it sure has made my life better multiple-fold.  No exaggeration.

America made me a feminist.  An interesting perspective, from abroad.

#MyWorstSummerJob. I can’t say I had one, but these definitely made me LOL.

March against Muslims. WHY ARE PEOPLE THE WORST???

And then children remind us that people can also be the best.

One day you’re in, and the next, you’re out.  You are what you post on social, kiddos.

Having a summer picnic? Here’s a pretty fancy pants menu, but it’s totally doable!

And finally, say hi to Steve.

Have a great week!

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