Middle East

Labneh with Roasted Grapes

Labneh with Roasted Grapes

There is too much to do, not enough time, not enough hours, not enough arms, and what suffers is the food.  However, rather than reaching for the closest fast food item, I tend toward the opposite: less is more, and things like warm yogurt and…

Turkish Walnut Baklava

Turkish walnut baklava is one of many variations of this favorite Middle Eastern/Northern African Dessert filled with walnuts rather than pistachios.

No More Tears: Grilled Calamari Steaks with Kuru Fasulye, or White Bean Salad

You will love today’s dish. You’ll love it for a lot of reasons. You’ll make it, love it, and then you’ll love me.  Here’s why:   Easy Fast Cheap Healthy Delicious  Are those the five standards for the perfect dish? Maybe not in your kitchen,…

Pistachio Halvah

Pistachio Halvah is a soft, sweet, fudgelike candy made out of sesame paste and laced with toasted pistachios, commonly found throughout the Middle East and Asia.


Easy falafel recipe made from scratch with chickpeas, fresh parley and spices, pan rather than deep fried for an easy vegetarian Middle Eastern favorite.