Pacific Islands

Onde Onde: Pastry Redefined

Not surprisingly, Malaysia has some pretty interesting sweets.  Today’s dessert, onde onde, is a sweet pastry type cookie and a popular snack in Malaysia and Indonesia.  However, unlike those French concoctions of buttery goodness that may come to mind, these little nuggets are made of…

Dang, This Stew is Good: Beef Rendang

In the hopes that my exploits in the kitchen would have some sort of cosmic power over the temperature gods (and armed with the foresight knowing that my wishes for fall weather would come through by the end of the week), I made beef stew. …

Nicely Dressed Fish: Malaysian Fish and Herb Salad

Man, today was hot. So hot. So hot that I had sweat dripping down my legs while riding in an un-airconditioned EL car on my way home. It definitely looked like I was peeing. Sexy. I was crabby. What’s taking so long, fall??? ANYWAY, moving…

Another Pancake Swap: Serabi with Kinca Syrup

The more I try and find swaps for my beloved Sunday morning feast, the more I realize I should just stick with what works, my regular plain Jane pancakes. Not that there was anything wrong with the Serabi that I made. It’s just that there…

This Cake is Legit. Lapis Legit: Spekkoek, or the Thousand Layer Cake

Well, here’s something different, but also pretty amazing.  It’s a broiled cake. Yup, you read that right. Broiled. But how can that be, you ask? Lucy, let me ‘splain. Spekkoek, or Spiku, today’s dessert, is a Dutch-Indonesian cake, and a fine example of the influence…

What’s That, You Satay?:  Pork Satay and Gado-Gado, or, Vegetables with Peanut Sauce

What’s That, You Satay?: Pork Satay and Gado-Gado, or, Vegetables with Peanut Sauce

Did you know that Satay was Indonesian? I didn’t either, but lo and behold it is. That meat-on-a-stick that you can find at any generic Asian eatery actually has its origins in Java, Indonesia and its popularity has spread to most Southeast Asian nations.  The…

Faikakai Malimali, which obviously means: Banana Dumplings with Coconut Syrup

Faikakai Malimali, which obviously means: Banana Dumplings with Coconut Syrup

So…I bought this coconut… After reading all the recipes from Tonga, I thought I needed to buy one. Turns out, what I could find packaged and canned was fine enough. That’s great, but now what do I do with this coconut? I supposed since I…