Tag: Deep Thoughts

Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished

I finished the world!  You’re probably all like, “who cares? Why do you keep saying it?” Well, for me, it’s a pretty big deal, and the cloudy day in September that I started this blog forever changed my world.  An idea borne out of memories…

Deep Thoughts: NEPAL

Deep Thoughts: NEPAL

I had delicious things planned for today’s post, but given the recent earthquake in Nepal, I wanted to share some deep thoughts instead.  I wasn’t going to, but I can’t stop thinking about it, and I thought maybe writing about it would help.  Often times we…

Deep Thoughts: The World Through a Traveler’s Eyes

Deep Thoughts: The World Through a Traveler’s Eyes

Today, how about a little something different? 

While the main gist of what I do on these virtual pages is cook (mostly) delicious foods, what I cook and the choices on what I cook are influenced by the other part of that gist- travel. The world’s cuisine has so much to offer, and I’ve tried, and hope I succeeded, in making it pretty clear that you don’t need to see the world to eat it. 

But that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe in actually seeing it. Quite the opposite. The world is all of our oyster and waiting and ready to be explored. I realize that travel isn’t everyone’s priority- to each his own-but at this point in my life, it surely is mine.  I know that life changes and people change and maybe someday, the thought of getting on a long haul flight for an eighteen day vacation will seem like more trouble than its worth. However, until that’s the case, I’ll be siphoning all my disposable income into my travel savings account where it seems to disappear at a faster rate that it grows.

So rather than a recipe today, some Deep Thoughts.  Don’t worry, this blog will still be 99.99% good eats, and I won’t bore you with all the deep thoughts that stream through my brain, but once in a while, the other 0.01%, they may relate to the aforementioned gists, and then, I believe, are worth sharing. Or, I just need to get the words out, and this is my vehicle for that.  (more…)