For all of my food weaknesses, snack foods aren’t really among them. I’m not saying I stick to three square meals, but I’m not someone who mindless snacks while watching TV or putzing on the internet. If someone else buys the snack foods, sure…it’ll take superman to keep me away from a bag of Doritos, but as far as what you’ll find in my cupboards, I think you’d be sorely disappointed. Despite the snack aversion in my real life, I have no problem making them for my blog life, so today we have Brazilian Pipoca, a caramel popcorn of sorts. I’ve been slightly stalkerish my attempt to look non-chalent while grabbing handfuls of samples of caramel popcorn from Whole Foods when shopping, so perhaps it was time that I make my own to get it out of my system.
A popular snack in Brazil, popcorn isn’t limited to movie theatres alone. After eating this, I can see why that’s the case. The idea of popcorn was introduced by the Portuguese, but the Brazilians did a pretty good job of making it their own. They even do fun things with food coloring making it all pretty. Gold star.
I didn’t making mine pretty, but it turns out, it didn’t need it. Since the caramel recipes I found were pretty do-as-you-want, I used that from the Carmel Nut Crunch, which I love so much. However, because this popcorn isn’t baked, the result is a chewier texture. Not bad, but I admittedly missed the crunch that would have come with baking. Perhaps I’ll do that next time.
To finish this recipe, traditional pipoca ends with a drizzle of dulce de leche. Now, I love the dulce-I’m not a soulless robot- but to be honest, it didn’t seem worth the hassle or the time for me to make it. Thus was my decision when wandering around the grocery I saw some ready-made dulce de leche. I took it as a sign that it needed to happen but then at the end of the day…I can’t say it added anything for me. I think I just prefer my sweet of milk in other ways than messy-ing up my popcorn. Please still be my friend.
The good news is that I had extra whipping cream, and the dulce de leche is now solidifying in ice cream form, much in the same way as the Coconut Brazil Nut Ice Cream. Lemonade from lemons.
Side note: Makes these cookies from Smitten Kitchen. Make them now and you won’t make any other chocolate chip cookie recipe ever again ever. This is the one. Your soul mate cookie.
Side note, part two: I just got a new computer, a Mac (yay!). I do not know how to use it (boo). It took me approximately 1 hour to find where my iPhoto pictures were located so that I could move them to Lightroom to edit. If you are smart and will show me how to use my new computer, I will make you a cake, or the aforementioned cookies. Or anything you see on this website.
So, the take away from all the ramblings above? The popcorn is good, you should make it. Add the caramel if you’re cooler than I am, and come teach me how to use my computer.
Brazilian Pipoca
Brazilian pipoca is a South American kettle corn of sorts, served dripping with dulce de leche for something extra.

- ½ cup light brown sugar
- ½ cup corn syrup or honey
- ¼ cup unsalted butter
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 8 cups popped popcorn
- 1 cup mixed nuts
- 1 can dulce de leche, optional
- Step 1 In a small saucepan, heat the brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and salt until the sugar is dissolved.
- Step 2 Place the popcorn and nuts in a large bowl.
- Step 3 Once the sugar/syrup mixture has all come together, add the vanilla. Pour the syrup mixture over the cereal mixture and stir to coat thoroughly.
- Step 4 Spread mixture on a lined cookie sheet to cool. If you desire, drizzle with dulce de leche.
- Step 5 Let cool one hour before packing in an airtight container.
Mmm popcorn with dulce de leche?! Count me in!! 🙂
Despite my desire to keep my hands mess-free, it was really very good!
I absolutely have no idea how to help you use your computer; woohoo PCs. I’m pretty good with the dedicated meals Monday-Friday but on the weekends it’s late breakfast then snacks every few hours till bedtime. I’m (still) hating cooking so guac and chips, popcorn, an apple, some grapes, and mashed potatoes is all I can muster for weekends.
Fair enough. I’m trying to shed some of the winter weight, so I’ve been living partially off of protein shakes which are the least exciting things ever. Despite posting as much as I do some weeks, sometimes it’s really all I make!