Sunday Somethings


Hello, Sunday and Happy Mother’s Day!

How are ya’ll this weekend?  Post-travel transition into real life didn’t go as smoothly as I would have liked, which means my suitcase it still not unpacked, the laundry is still not done and nor is the dishwasher clean. All to-do for  my Sunday.   It has been quite a nice weekend though, with Mother Nature cooperating for all the moms out there in Chicago, and Friday I had a nice treat with a dusk-time boat float down the river. It was a good reminder for me that I do live in a great city because, if you saw what I saw on the evening news, it’s a fact easy to forget.

I hope that you take the time to show a little love to your mom today, because whether or not you get along, I’m sure she did the best she could.

And finally, a shout out to two of my friends who became moms for the second time this week:  Eggplant and Dandelion, I hope you maybe got to sleep in a little bit today.  Maybe just a little.

The internets, whadda ya say?

The fight against hate starts with one.

These Harry Potter fans won the “who’s the  biggest fan” contest. Love.

Related:  Real-life Quidditch! Sort of.

There were never such devoted sisters.

Another example of how racial profiling just makes everyone look stupid.

Related:  The internet responds perfectly to bigoted response to Old Navy’s beautiful ad. I could contribute my own family’s picture to the campaign. 

Second grader is allowed to go home after successfully tricking teacher with fake note.  This is both sad and scary.

Isn’t this delicious? I printed it myself.

And finally, These are the only selfies that should be allowed.

The reading is in a lull, but a new show to get you hooked. It has me.

Have a good week!

Written while getting up every 2 minutes to keep Crawley off the counter. He knows better.




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2 thoughts on “Sunday Somethings”

  • A friend suggested Call the Midwife to me but I couldn’t get through the first episode. I also have no interest in Downton. Maybe I’m just anti-olde British TV.

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