Sunday Somethings


Hello, Sunday.

I’m thoroughly enjoying the long weekend thus far despite the painful experience that was Crawley’s first road trip. There was crying, tears and no doubt some psychological scarring, but we managed to make it back to Pure Michigan in one whole-ish piece.  #PorchLife is the name of the game in the Buddha household, and it’s just what I ordered.  

I hope your weekend is equally relaxing with friends, family and good food. Stay safe, people. Especially from the fireworks.

This week, I don’t even know. What did I read?  I’m sure I forgot a lot of it, but here are some of the internet’s tidbits.

Oh, wait. But first! For all you country music loving Chicago peeps, why don’t you join me at the upcoming Windy City Smokeout?  So much barbecue (and lobster rolls) and three days of hip shaking country music.  Kettle Corn and I went last year and it was such a good time, I hope to see you there. BONUS- use the coupon code “BUDDHA” and get 3 day General Admission tickets for $75 – that’s a whopping $35 off!  Just  be sure to add the code before you add them to the cart.  Buy them here, but make sure you do so before the code expires at 11:59 pm on Thursday, July 7th.

Now, the tidbits: 

The Brexit fallout continues, and here’s a sad glimpse of what this means for this school orchestra.  

Related. Oh, John Oliver.

Ever wonder why your Chinatown has such cheap produce?  A look behind the scenes.

Science ya’ll.  Fish receive eye transplant to stop from being bullied. Could I even make that up?

Crying sad tears. Pets really are part of the family.

Related: Keep them safe this holiday weekend!

The cost of traveling. One that, in my mind, is 1000% worth it.

People- do not take wild animals home?  Horrible.

You know I love me some no-churn.  Here’s some inspiration for us all!

And finally, need some salad inspiration?  Here’s a favorite of mine, courtesy of Biscuit.

Have a great week!

Written after some warm-up tailgating.


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