Sunday Somethings


Hello, Sunday.

This week. I don’t even know where it went! I guess the same could be said for July.  August hits us tomorrow and can I admit that I’m not sad about it?  Maybe a little, but it’s been ungodly hot and humid, which is no bueno for this girl.  I’m looking forward to slightly shorter days, long sleeve t-shirts, some chili-eating-weather and some college football.

Please still be my friend, summer-loving people?

Being focused on life, I didn’t spend much time browsing the net, but I still have a few nuggets to occupy your couch time this Sunday afternoon:

Most importantly, did you preorder your copy of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child???? I’ll be hibernating later this week pouring over it.

Secondly, the Gilmores, coming at us November 25th!  Grab the coffee and the mallomars!

Being at the stage where I’ve seen friends job hop often and after giving consideration to it myself, good company culture cannot be overstated.

Millennials vs. the rest of us. Are we really so different?  Maybe in a few ways.

The game behind the Facebook birthday.  It’s real, and I look forward to scrolling through my wall in a few weeks on the day when, let’s face it, it’s all about me. #Thisis35

The Wanderlust gene is a thing. I knew it and now I can officially blame genetics for my lackluster savings account, but thank it for my fully stamped passport.

I’ve mentioned before that I hate politics and hate talking about it even more, but this election season has been too much and I can’t help but share words that move me.  This.

Did I tell you that Mom once won an award for packing me the best lunches?  It’s true, and I was lucky enough never to have to rely on the cafeteria. While I think this article probably doesn’t show the whole truth, I’m pretty confident that what is true is that we here in the U.S.A have the worst school lunch.

Fairy doors are becoming a thing. Yes, you read that right. Are we in Neverland? Maybe. Or possibly down the rabbit hole.

RIP, Sister Sofia.  One beautiful voice, now silent.

Putting an egg on it really does make a meal. Here are some ideas for those lazy days of summer dinners.

…And summer drinks, because as I mentioned, it’s so hot out.

Have a good week!

Written after a sweat sesh, and back in PJs.



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