Hello, Sunday.
Well, I’m back stateside and writing this from the Toronto airport (on Saturday) waiting for my final leg home, feet up, hoping that the inevitable swelling from 8 hours on the last plane goes down a little. I’m tired, cranky from some mediocre fish tacos and gross from airports and a long day, but very excited to snuggle with my Crawley later tonight.
I’m excited to tell you about my trip, and show you some of the beauty of Holland that I did my best to capture on digital film, but for now, with May 1st on the books for tomorrow, a little something different (and a page out of Biscuit’s book) since the Internet, happily, wasn’t a thing for me this week.
So, hello May.
wishing: I didn’t have to go back to work quite so soon on Monday
hoping: that sunny days are ahead!
thinking: about my so, so long to-do list
praying: that I can ease back into real life at a good, slow pace
planning: my May to take advantage of Ann Arbor sans students
dreaming: of my next vacation
debating: when and if I should go back to Chicago this month
cooking: good things, coming soon (including mustard soup, Dutch pancakes and Korean beef nachos)
working: on my bikini bod with Turbo Fire
walking: to work! 20 minutes!
sleeping: hopefully, soon.
What’s your list for May?
Have a good week!