Hello, Sunday.
The weekend has been GREAT. Lots of time to chill and relax, but still get weekend things done. I’m heading to the lake for the third weekend in a row, adding more fuel to the “should I just BUY a paddle board?” debate going on in my head (verdict: probably).
Otherwise, I’ve enjoyed getting back into the kitchen to mix things up and my lunches have been less sad for it. The trend continues this week with a trip back to Malaysia and the easiest, best salad that I’ve made in a while. Wait for it…
I can’t say that the internet has left me been dazed and confused this week, nor was I awed or inspired. Still, here it is.
Sigh. Florida.
Good for Texas? Sad that this has to be stated.
This NY judge made a rule that will help get more female lawyer in the courtroom. Given how many female attorneys I know, this statistic is pretty sad.
Related, in a small way. This is How Sexism Works in Silicon Valley. An interesting read.
This actually made me tear up. Sportsmanship, a lesson to all of us from some pretty smart kids.
Female coworkers = happiness at work. Here, here! New job is good, but, damn, I miss my OSR ladies so much.
One must be able to laugh at oneself. Always.
In the path of a hurricane. Mom and I were talking about this, and having actually lived through (like, in the hallway of our house, sitting on couch cushions with a mattress nearby) Hurricane Andrew at age 11, and then being displaced by Katrina 13 years later, this is all too real to me. Both experiences I remember like it was yesterday. Every single detail; the sights, the sounds and the feels.
Got breakfast? I’ll try a few of these!
That’s all I’ve got. Have a good week!