Hello, Sunday.
Is it Sunday? The days are long and blending together. In the same vein as my last Sunday ramblings a few weeks ago, I’m tired and life is still going at a crazy pace and I am admittedly barely keeping up or keeping it together. My last few weeks have been filled with hospitals, funerals, travel delays, trips to the ER and moving. Trying to paint the straightest line, trying not to be mad when I don’t, boxes hurriedly stuffed and unstuffed. Crawley’s feeling it, too and he and Mom’s pets are doing their darndest to get along. Well, some more than others.
Okay, enough complaining from me! I hope you’re enjoying my trip photos from Vietnam! One more post to go, and then I’ll try to get some food back on here. I admit to not really cooking all that much, and for the sake of the fit of my jeans, that has to change soon. Plus, St. Patrick’s Day is coming up, and you know how I get into that.
I was too distracted with life to be distracted by the internet, but here just a few nuggets I managed to squirrel away nonetheless.
High heels are the worst! And while I hate them, I do enjoy the way I feel in them. Still, flats most definitely win the day.
Younger siblings teach older siblings empathy. I would agree with this as LB is much better at this than I am, even if studies say that older sisters and younger brothers buck the trend, but I’d argue that older siblings teach younger siblings so many things. So many things.
The Utah Bar Association made a boob-oo.
Sweatpants save the day. For me, they save every day.
In case you need more to add to your to-do list, here are a few other things you can do to mark daylight savings time.
Why Inner City Schools Don’t Have Mass Shootings. V. Interesting read about schools in my backyard…
Have a good week!