Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. Forgive me my absence.

I came home from the Kentucky Derby with good memories, a full belly, a lesson in tire inflation and…a cold. So it’s been a week as it traveled from throat to ears to nose. It’s almost outta here, I do hope.

I hope also that you’re doing well. With the official start to summer kicking off next week, we’re talking burgers and berries since they are the fruits of the season and the makings of a good summer time.  Stay tuned for some simple but mouthwatering goodies.

As for the web?  I found some nuggets. Just a few.

We all wanted to live in Monica’s apartment on Friends. What would it look like now, and would we still want to live in it? Survey says yes!

These are some of my guys!  Painkillers without the addictive properties?  It’s coming!

Smart lady amasses large fortune by copying her boss.  Dahm.

The art of avoiding assholes.  

For Mother’s Day, let’s give all the moms paid parental leave! A (not at all) novel concept.

Can you hear your food’s flavor? Well.  Sorta. 

Finally, how amazing does this look

And now I’m going to celebrate Mother’s Day with Mom, fully aware that if had her luck had changed just a little bit a few months ago, I wouldn’t be celebrating it at all. Hug your Mom and, if you can’t, remember that she’s always with you.








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