Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Well, we’re still in the very, very cold stages of the year in my neck of the woods, which means that I have a lot of time to cook things, some for now and some for later, taking advantage while I have empty weekends, because we all know that as the year goes on, these vacant winter weekends turn into summer ones that are long on sunlight and somehow short on hours.

You know. 

The world spins as does my head watching the news. Do you feel the same way? Hopefully these words make your head do something other than twirl on its axis. Metaphorically, of course.

Also, there is yet another picture of Crawley because as I mentioned before I’m not leaving the house and it’s either pictures of him or…nope, that’s it.

After I cut the cable cord, I missed out on a lot of Top Chef, and so I never saw Ms. Ali’s season, but this is still worth a read. She passed away this past week at the age of 29. Here’s her perspective.


Self-care is a discipline, not an indulgence. It’s true, but doesn’t it feel like one sometimes? And I say this as someone that has no one else to care for on a daily basis than the furry man you see pictured above.

Related to my comment above: In the absence of being someone’s number one, I’ve learned to be nicer to myself. In relation to the last paragraph of this article, I have my go-to also single girls that check in on me every day, and if my email isn’t sent by noon, I get a check in text. So, I guess I am someone’s #1 besides my Mom (love you, Mom!) Still, #SinglePersonLifeTax

I really can talk to a wall, but if you have trouble engaging others in conversations, here are a few tips.

For anyone that follows me on the Insta, you’ve seen that I have eaten eggs no less than…four times this week. If you want to follow along on my egg journey, here are some how-tos on how to cook an egg.

J.Lo is challenging others to do no-sugar, low carbs for 10 days.  Confession: This week (M-F) I went on a no dairy-caffeine-sugar cleanse (before J.Lo made it cool because #trendsetter) and you know, I hate to admit that I felt sort of better? The lack of sugar and dairy made me ravenous, and when my five days was up, I gloriously started yesterday with a nice bowl of cereal and big cup of coffee. It’s not a sustainable lifestyle for me because, yo, I love all the food. Still, maybe a nice thing to do one week a month? Hmm. We’ll see.

Apparently, The Office is saving lives. Stayin’ Alive.

Local perspective on The Wall. Read it.

When evidence says no, and doctors say yes.

What did the shutdown do? Not a damn thing.

Finally, for those of you that wished Willy Wonka (the Gene Wilder version) was true, here’s your chance.

Have a great week!






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