Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Here I sit, at one of my favorite places in the world, enjoying my room with a view of the Magic Kingdom. After a bit of a rush-rush week and a quick trip to D.C. for work, I’m settling in with my family for our annual February Disney trip to celebrate Mom’s birthday.  And, after last year’s, which was celebrated from the hospital, this is a very welcome weekend.

Before it’s back to the cold, back to the grind, and we’re all making the most of it while we’re here. After all, it’s another 9 months until we’re back and unless you bleed Disney like we do (it’s okay- I love ya anyway!), you don’t get just how long that 9 months feels sometimes!

The internet had some thoughts this week and I share them with you this morning.

Am I adding too much black pepper? Oh dear, maybe, and now I’m over analyzing my cooking skills.

Pixar, making us cry. Again.

You know how Mufasa’s death is like, the saddest part of the Lion King? Well, this just makes it 50 times sadder. I figured you’re already crying from the last link, so continue it here.

I actually found a print of the Gashleycrumb Tinies some years ago at a flea market and I was drawn for some reason to it’s eeriness and its now framed and in my bedroom. Anyway, here they do the alphabet. Grimly.

Work less, hobby more. You’d all only benefit from that.

I love the GBBS, and the thing that I love even more about it as that it truly is a friendly competition. Leave it to the Brits to all chip in when one of their fellow contestants needs a helping hand. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t happen on Chopped.

Another reason to save the trees.

Instagram influencers + big pharma? It’s happening.

What’s in a name? Nut milk vs. nut juice? It matters, to some.

What’s it take to be an astronaut?  A sense of humor, for one thing.

Even if he could, Crawley would do nothing of this sort. It’s all about him, that little squidge.

That’s what I’ve got. Excuse me, the pool calls.  Have a nice week!







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