Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Getting over this thing day by day, though since yesterday’s one set of tennis and after tennis activities left me positively spent by 5 pm, I’m guessing I’m not ready to hit it hard for the spring season yet. And, we just lost and hour of sleep, so that makes us ALL happier this morning, doesn’t it? More on that below.

I hope that you find yourself well-rested this Sunday despite the hour and let’s all prime ourselves for a good week. Sound good?

Oh, the internet has it’s ways and here were some of them that caught my eye.

As mentioned above, daylight savings. Do we need it? Do we need it permanently?  Debate’s on, and way to be weirdos again, Florida.

If you’re a Europhile and an American like I am, this is a bit of a pain in the butt. Somehow, I suspect, we’ve done this to ourselves.

I did this trek to Everest Base Camp 8 years ago and it was awesome. Does this convince you to do it, too?

Reading in bars? Seems preferable to some other public house activities. In praise of a very British pastime.

How did home cooking become a moral issue. V. interesting.

Text me when you get home. Yup, my friends and I all do this. Even if we’re not even in the same city.

It’s dinner – put your phone away. I will say that it is a non-issue now that I don’t live in a big city. City life, in ways, kills the ambiance.

I do not hate being single. I used to. I once questioned my own worth because everyone around me was having “success” at dating and I never, ever, ever did. And then about five years and a hundred or so dates into that I thought…the fuck? PREACH.

Related to why are you single?

I don’t love the Disney Princess marketing effort, but I do like this version.

Wear your damn seat belt.

Gotta love a good Buzzfeed quiz. Ha. You’re looking at Jesus.

Workism is making us all miserable.

As we just passed International Women’s Day, let’s hear it for girl power.

That’s all I’ve got. Have a great week!







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