Hello, Sunday.
What a damn week. Ugh. Let’s just keep our heads up and hope, pray and wish upon every star that it’ll get better. The world will get better. Perhaps if enough of us collectively build it, the world we want will come.
Ok, this is not in that vein but OMG talk about a God complex. WTF.
Lessons from a five year old.
Twitter does just pull the stupidest people out of the woodwork, doesn’t it?
I’ve never been on a truly solo adventure – and this in part, is why.
What an effing coward (among other things).
Reminder: not everything is awful.
The latest bit of science says that we should be drinking coffee, so cheers to that.
Anyone else worried about facial recognition?
For all my single ladies (and gents); Let’s celebrate it!
To all: don’t waste your weekends!
Remembering a life well lived.
That’s it. Let’s all have a better week.