Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Well, I’m exhausted. I spent yesterday working out, cooking, doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, playing tennis and cooking some more, only to settle down on the couch with leftover pizza from the freezer and a healthy helping of ice cream.

Do you do that? Spend all this time cooking fabulous and tasty things only to not want to look at it at ALL come the end of the day? Here, here.  

I did, however, make this again, and hey, you should remember it and make it often because it’s delish.

Like sands through the hourglass, so goes the 24 hour news cycle. There was a lot out there about 9/11 and all of it makes us think. And cry. And remember.  Besides that, here’s what I read:

Ok, first, we should all be making this icebox cake, right?

I thought this was interesting. The search of the explorer, deep sea edition.

How to karaoke.  Can I just tell you that I have wanted to sing Amish Paradise at karaoke forever and it’s never an option in the book? Now, a solution!

Love thee Notre Dame. I was there in 1999 when we had our first black leprechaun, and he was absolutely the best mascot we could have ever hoped to have. Twenty years later, the controversy of a ‘non-Irish’ looking mascot is back, and the original change maker speaks out.   

What does success mean anyway? Maybe it’s okay for it to come just a little bit later than we want, ya think?

Hope from tragedy

This thread…get tissues.

V. excited to read this. And see it.

This made me sad and angry on so many levels. Clearly this referee has never been swimming, ever.

Four day work week? I’m into it.

The price of fast fashion. Something to think about.

What if dads got 6 months paid paternity leave?  A perspective.

That’s all I’ve got. Let’s all have a great week, shall we?