Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

I went from having September weekends full of nothing to do, to seemingly having everything to do, all at once! This weekend was no exception with happy hours and trainings and football and apple picking and friends giving. No joke, I figured I’d be running around like a fool with little time to breathe in between activities. I did ask for this, didn’t I?  I never learn.

However, you know what they say about the best laid plans, right? They do end up taking a turn sometimes. Torrential rain meant leaving the game early, no apple picking, a power outage and an incomplete, but still fun friends giving.  Rolling with the punches here.

Still, fall fun is my favorite kind of fun (unless it’s travel fun), so I’m embracing it indeed. Those Friendsgiving recipes will be coming at you throughout November, so stay tuned to see how to mix up traditional Thanksgiving, the Indian way!

Until then, here we go;

Good new: the dinner party is not dead. It’s just a-changing.  

I guess we all need a nemesis. Makes sense, in theory.

Examining dual-income households and how to keep it equitable. Doesn’t apply to me, but I found it interesting nonetheless.

Have you seen Modern Love? I haven’t yet, but I think I need it.

Wisconsin school assigns seats at lunch and it seems to be the best thing.

THIS is sportsmanship. And kindness.  It is out there, we just have to look for it.

It’s porridge season! Here are some to try to mix up your morning routine.

It’s okay to NOT do these things. I mean, we’re not all professional chefs!

Let’s all have a drink together to celebrate being alive. Remember this one? It’s a goodie.

Some people are just so clever. Happy Halloween!






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