Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

It’s been a whirlwind of a week! I flew to San Francisco for a mere 24 hours earlier this week for work and a two-hour flight delay to de-ice my plane on the way there made for an even longer traveling experience. Yes, we’re de-icing planes already in November. I hope it’s not an omen of travel to come for the rest of the winter. I got place to go, ya know?

Anyway, I took most advantage of it by catching up on movies, new and old, which is always a good thing to do on flights. I finally saw Yesterday and really liked it and then I indulged my inner child by watching Ratatouille and The Goonies, which, is scary, BTW. I mean, too scary for little kids, really, but I also realized that while it was one of our favorites as a kid, we definitely missed a lot watching it all those years ago. If you have the chance to watch it again, do it because I think you’ll feel the same way.

Anyway, November shows no signs of slowing down, so deep breaths ya’ll. It’s the best time of the year, remember?

Here’s what caught my eye this week:

Girl power! I always think it’s weird when people are surprised that girls can do science because 1) I am a girl, and I have a Master’s in Science and 2) many of my friends in college were also sciences majors with me…and were girls, too.   

People who are always late are happier. But…the friends that are waiting for them are certainly not.

Adopting dogs is always a good idea, but here’s why you should consider a senior dog next time around. 

Related:  Brilliant idea!  Stray dogs go to mass to find new families.

I mean, are these Disney Christmas sweaters ugly?

Dissertations by my Cat. Oscar’s smart, but I’m sure Crawley’s got some deep thoughts in there, too.

How to grow up: a reminder:

The Norwegian Secret to Enjoying a Long Winter. We best heed this. Study it. Use it well.

THIS: Flourless chocolate cloud cake. On it.

Have a great week!





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