Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Hello from Disney!

It’s our first trip of the season and I’m MIA. Eat sugar and spice. Dancing to parades. Acting the fool. Enjoying every second.

Keeping it short and sweet today. Some of these are last week’s but still worth the share.  Tootles!

Talk about nostalgia! #80skid

I fell in love with Jenni Sparks years ago and her map of London that I came across in a shop tucked into an alley just off Oxford Street. I love her even more for this.

Cold doggie. That’s a lot of dog years.

Where I’m going in 2020. Southwest Michigan, apparently.

Probably making these this weekend…

Hey, pancake Sunday!

What does success mean anyway?

Ok, back to vacation. Have a great week!



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