For these imperfect times, perfect brownies are just the thing. Plus, it’s Friday and we really just need them. NEED.
Brownies are a tricky thing, though, because everyone has their own impression of what makes one perfect. Much like a cookie, some like them fudgy. Some crispy. Some with nuts. Some with coconut. Some vegan. Some with frosting.
This recipe for me is all about comfort. It’s not fancy, or trying to be anything other than just an honest to goodness really good brownie. It’s not fudgy, but rather the perfect amount of crumble without being dry, all with a perfect cracked crust. Nuts give it a little more heft and a little more crumble. Perfect under ice cream, or scattered on top of some. It’s just…perfect.
These are perfect for me because they are the ones that my mom made time and again, and as her go-to, it has so become mine. It’s the recipe written on a worn, stained and slightly faded index card. The one we know by heart, but check every time anyway to ensure that we don’t forget something. It’s not overly complicated. No need to melt butter or assemble a double boiler to melt the chocolate. No special extracts or extras for frosting. It’s brilliant and perfect in its simplicity.
Cream the butter and sugar. Drop in the eggs, extracts and cocoa powder. Flour carefully folded in with nuts at the end ensure that nothing about this is too touch or chewy. A quick bake and we’re ready to go.
The only change that I made to make it truly my own was to add that little hint of coconut extract ala Grey’s Anatomy. Totally makes a different, ya know?
Not that we need anything to be quick. We’ve got all the time in the world, right?
Perfect Brownies
Easy one bowl perfect brownies, crumbly but not dry, full of nuts and just the right amount of sweet.

- 1 cup unsalted butter
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 4 eggs
- 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp coconut extract
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 cup chopped walnuts
- Step 1 Preheat the oven to 375F. Grease and sugar a 9 x 13 pan.
- Step 2 In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, followed by the coconut and vanilla extracts. Add and mix in the cocoa powder until well blended.
- Step 3 Gently fold in the flour and nuts ensuring that they are well combined. Do not overmix.
- Step 4 Spread into the prepared pan and bake for 35 minutes. Let cool in the pan, and enjoy!