Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday. 

Hello, October! 

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these sorts of posts, but with the news being the news these days, I wanted something a bit lighter for heavier times and to get my mind thinking of all the things that will be rather than those that are.

Are you with me?

Here we go:

wishing: i knew how this will all work out. how does it? i don’t know, it’s a mystery.

hoping: that there is a truly a light at the end of this long, 2020 tunnel.

thinking: a lot- work’s been busy!

praying: that my friends and family continue to be healthy.

planning: trips for….whenever. and fun fall weekends to come.

laughing: at these silly birds.

reading: not enough, but most recently, i owe you one. up next, the alienest.

wearing: cozy jammies (these are my current faves bought end of season last spring) and my new favorite sweatshirt.

cooking: i don’t know! help me decide! maybe chili this weekend.

baking: my first loaf of pumpkin bread, with perhaps some cookies up next.

moving:  still loving my Peloton.

snuggling: with my Crawley, always

exfoliating: with this, and you know, i’m sold.

watching: bones, again. one of my favorites. and the GBBO, obviously.

dreaming: of the big wide somewhere.

Wishing you a not-so-scary October.

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