Paradise Found, Oahu

Paradise Found, Oahu

“Aloha! Welcome to paradise.”

The bold statement made by our flight attendant upon landing in Honolulu did not go unnoticed. Paradise? Here?  For someone who has perhaps once in her forty years picked a tropical holiday destination, I was weary I’d be convinced somewhere with steady 80 degree temps was my version of paradise.

But, always up for a challenge (and an adventure), I was excited to see if she was right.

After a very long day of travel, my party separately arriving due to missed connections and delays, we hit the pillows straight away.  

Due to jet lag and a 3:30 am wake up on my end, I was ready with the birds when sunrise hit to go out in search of breakfast and explore with all the other travelers fresh from the east coat.

Acai bowl for breakfast seemed like the way to go.

Acai, papaya, banana, hemp, homemade almond butter and cacao nibs.  Sweet, salty, crunchy, delicious.

Do Hawaiians actually eat these, or are they something only tourists embrace? I will find out.

As the resort slowly started to wake up and come to life, I couldn’t help but head straight to the beach

to stick these East Coast born toes into the Pacific.

Plotting a day full of nothing other than hopping from ocean to pool to hot tub, ’round and ’round again.

With a few snacks for sustenance.

Our first few days have been low key, adjusting to the time change and island life, getting into the Aloha spirit. Lots of fun in store for the days ahead!

Was this paradise? 

Maybe she was right. 

While I can think of many places and scenarios that would qualify as paradise in my books, Hawaii, I’ll say, just might be one of them.

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