I’m offering these easy turkey salad sandwiches as an antidote to the too much food this week issue.
I’m having it- are you? I think it’s the start to a similarly veined holiday season.
My family is in town so my mom went all hostess of the mostess, which she does (and admittedly, I do too) but as a result, she made food for her company and my company and I made for my myself and my company and so I feel like I’ve been eating all week – and that was before Thursday.
Good foods though – cabbage rolls, mojo pork and ribollitta.
I know this will most certainly continue into the weekend, so as I tend to do, I’m offering a suggestion for those leftover turkey bits when you’re tired of the parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.
Other suggestions from years’ past: turkey and sweet potato enchiladas, turkey curry (“My favorite!”) Who gets the reference??), green turkey chili, turkey korma.
Today I’m twisting up an oldie recipe for chicken salad, one that I collected yeeears ago at a baby shower of all places. I’ve lightened it up and served it on my favorite wheat-ish bread from a local bakery, but I just think this would be swell on a croissant. I also lightened it up with plain yogurt instead of mayo because – as stated above- too much food, and rich food at that. And I love a good sandwich.
The herbiness of this turkey salad comes from tarragon- an herb that I don’t use often but eating this makes me wonder if I should- and what else I should put it on. Suggestions welcome.
I hope you had a wonderful holiday yesterday and a very relaxing rest of your weekend! I’ve done a bit of black Friday shopping but intend on spending the rest of the weekend doing some DIY and hanging with friends and family. We head to Florida as is our tradition on Thursday for some much needed down time and I hope you give yourself the leeway to have some too.
Turkey Salad Sandwiches
This easy turkey salad sandwich is the perfectly light antidote to heavy holiday fare putting Thanksgiving leftover turkey to good use.

- 8 ounces leftover turkey- light and dark as you prefer - coarsely chopped
- 1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
- 1 1/2 TB Dijon mustard
- 2 tsp dried tarragon
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 1/2 lemon, juiced
- 2/3 cup chopped pecans
- 1/2 cup chopped apple
- 3 TB fresh chopped parsley
- 1/8 tsp sugar
- 4 slices your favorite bread
- Step 1 In a medium bowl, mix together the yogurt, mustard, lemon, tarragon, salt, pepper. Mix until smooth and well combined. Add the turkey, apple, pecans and parsley.
- Step 2 Divide between the four clices of bread to make two sandwiches. Enjoy!