Hello, Sunday.
As I’m writing this I’m watching Fool Me Once on Netflix and OMG WHAT. WHAT.
Anyway, so far so good.
Otherwise, in Michigan we’re still stuck in what seems like the Folklore album cover. The fog has been around for days, blending in with the January grey sky and melting snow. It’s pretty and messy and I’m just glad that I don’t have to leave the house unless I want. Last year I made the executive decision as the COO of my household to get hygge with the decor after the Christmas frivolity came down, and therefore instead of lamenting about The Longest Month, I’ve actually embraced it and look forward to daily cocooning in my cozy blankets and Mickey slippers. with the fireplace roaring, Crawley happy on my lap. Bring on February.
I hope you’re finding the light in the grey. It really is all about mindset. And those cozy slippers.
Let’s see what this week brought:
About Fool Me Once.
Who needs this? How to declutter. I feel like I’ve gone too far with my closet- I have to go to NY for work this week and I fear I have purged one of my favorite work dresses!
New dating strategy? Can’t be worse than the apps.
This is a few weeks old but I forgot to post it. High five to the fellow older sisters out there.
Oh gosh, I’m the Older Person. What Older People are saying about the youths these days…
Karma is topping your ex boyfriend’s new song with yours that’s 13 years old.
Ever wonder what happens to babies that are born mid-flight? Interesting!
Upping that roast chicken game. YES!
Julia Child wisdom for your back pocket. I, for one, have made many a too-salty soup.
ICYMI, game day foods because LET’S GO LIONS. Don’t forget to add these wings to that list.
That’s all I’ve gone. Have a great week!