Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Thinking of and thankful for all those that served, continue to serve and the sacrifices they and their families make to protect our freedom.  Let’s fight to keep them, shall we? We wouldn’t want their sacrifices to go to waste.

I’m enjoying the long weekend, and the emptiness in my hometown that comes from everyone in the state heading “up north’ to cabins or campgrounds to kick off #LakeLife season. It truly is special, and weirdly very regional.  

It’s also my last weekend at home before heading off on what seems a long-awaited trip to Spain for my dear friends’ wedding. We’ll do some sightseeing and lots of eating before we dance the night away in a few weeks. I cannot wait!

Let’s see what the world had for us this week:

With his spoonful of sugar, he helped the medicine go down.  RIP, Richard Sherman.  We’ll be signing along with you for generations to come.

If you are heading to northern Michigan, you can’t head out without stopping for some fudge!  Fudgetown, USA.  and how it became synonymous with Up North. (here’s a recap of my trip up there!).

Having kids to save the world? This is a long read – weird, and kind of disturbing but kind of fascinating? I leave it here for you to take it as you will.

My hippie tendencies mean I’m always looking for more natural ways to be.  I already make my own laundry detergent and mainly use vinegar to clean, but vodka? I’m on board!

I will admit that, despite how often I fly, do get really nervous with turbulence. Like, grip-the-armrest nervous. Well, here’s the deal with it. Actually, quite reassuring.

Related: as we all strap in for summer travels, some new consumer protection laws have been enacted that may ease the sting of hiccups.

Kind of related. I had been on the search for a new carry on backpack and I just got this one. I’m very excited to break it in this weekend! Will report back.

I eat 90% of my meals out of pasta bowls (despite very rarely eating pasta).  I implore you to get yourself a set. Thou shalt have no regrets.

Soda as a marinade?  Apparently. I’ll give anything a try.

If you’re grilling this weekend (or any summer weekend), you should give this a try.

And don’t forget dessert. This comes together in two shakes.

Have a great week!