Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

We were having technical issues at THB all weekend. Sorry if you were trying to visit- they seem to have been resolved for now!

How are ya’ll doing? We are doing our best here in the upper-middle to survive the scorching heat – hitting the pool or lake and praying that the powers that be can keep up with the increasing needs of the air conditioners. God bless us every one.

Otherwise, I’m feeling good. Happy to be back in a routine, in my kitchen and hanging out with friends (both furry and not).  It really does speak to the constant existential crisis I face- to travel, or not to travel- because I do love both home and away in equal measure. Soaking in all of the aforementioned comforts of home before I pack it up again for #MyDanishEra. 

Until then, here’s what’s keeping me entertained while at home:


Despite any records, Roger Federer will be the GOAT in my eyes. And here are some reasons why. Life lessons learned from his commencement speech.

Why do we live so far from my friends? I agree with the general sentiment of this, but I will say that I feel like now, living in my small town with my small circle of friends, I could more easily call on anyone at a mere moment’s notice than when I lived in a city of 6M people, not further than 3 miles from any one of my friends? Maybe small town life means we find ourselves as perpetually overbooked. But- generally Americans are lonelier than ever. Can we change that?

This is just giving me all the big smile feels. As does this.

Faroe Islands has been on D’s list for ages- and maybe they’re onto something with their voluntourism.  I would totally sign up for this (and so apparently would many others).

Has anyone used rosemary oil for hair growth? Asking for a friend. Let me know!

America the air conditioned? There are a lot of beefs I have with what goes on on this side of the Atlantic, but in this, I will say God Bless the USA.

Related: how to stay hydrated in this godforesakenheat.

RIP, Mr. Mays.

It’s salad season, and here are my chicken faves. Vietnamese, mango and BBQ.

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