Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

I feel like I finally got around to doing true summer things. Yesterday my crew and I went to the lake, armed with towels, sunscreen, paddle boards and subs from our favourite shop.  After hours lounging in the water and gabbing leisurely over lunch, we packed ourselves up and stopped for ice cream on the way home which, at that point ice cream = dinner. Slightly sunburnt and infinitely more relaxed than when we arrived.

The best kind of summer day and one hopefully to be repeated again and again before the leaves change in a few months.

The weather is taking a little downturn today, dipping almost 20 degrees. A cosier day lends itself to more leisure, and I fully intend to take advantage of a slow day on the couch, recharging my batteries for the week and a half rush to the finish line before my next trip. Crawley will no doubt be very excited with the agenda. I can tell you right now I won’t be having any sunshine guilt.

As for the week? Gosh, depressing, horrifying things but let’s focus on some good, shall we?

I love this obvious travel advice. I will say that 1) I do prefer the aisle and stand by it, 2) love a nice hotel (having spent many a night in not a nice hotel, a shared hostel or camping in sparse conditions) and 3) will absolutely get up early to avoid the crowds on nice beaches/hikes/attractions, etc. 

This is the dumbest slang I’ve heard in a while.

Are the Darwin awards still a thing? I’ve got some nominees.

Would you buy a 3D printed home? I’m intrigued.

I love this. You don’t have to wait until everything is perfect before taking a step in the direction of the change you want to see in your life. Take that step—and watch your circumstances change around you.

I’m always intrigued by nail art but then I always thing- how to function IRL with these nails? Can you even pee?

Oh Lord. Literally. Have you see the hot AI Jesus?

Alex Trebek stamps! LOVE.

Happy Canada Day (tomorrow) to my friends up in the True North!  I suggest celebrating with a butter tart (my mom’s fave) or perhaps a Nanaimo bar.

Have a great week!