Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Hello from Michigan! It’s been a whirlwind few weeks of traveling and while I always love to go out and adventure, I’m always happy to come home to my Crawley and my routines.

For some odd reason, I didn’t come back from this trip feeling as wiped as I often do which is weird since we spent the first half of it biking through Denmark! In any case, I can’t wait to tell you about it. But be all the fresh air and infamous good Denmark vibes.

The highlight of the trip had to be our back-to-back Eras Tour nights.  Gosh, it was magic and I’d go again and again if I could!

Anyway…seems I missed a lot while I was gone. Truthfully, it was nice to be out of earshot from all the drama happening here. Made me really not want to come back.  Here are some bits and bobs to get you through your Sunday lull.

Some helpful life hacks, because we all need some help every once in a while.

I’m HERE FOR the Olympics.  For the love of the Olympics.

…but admit the opening ceremonies were a bit odd. But the MEMES- the internet wins again.

Also, cue the tears. Olympics commercials are up there with the holiday ones.

I remember eating this ice cream in Turkey, and perhaps it’s time to give it a try at home.

Say it ain’t so! The rising risk of eating seafood.

The world’s most powerful passports. Reminder- apply for Canadian passport…

The financial case for creativity

My birthday’s coming up, and while it’s not a milestone one, I LOVE this idea of doing this for the Big 5-0! Would you?

Speaking of my birthday, if you also have a summer birthday (they are the best!), here are some of my fave treats to try: peach upside down cake, treasure island ice cream cake, my favourite birthday cake.

Have a great week!