Forks Up, Copenhagen

Forks Up, Copenhagen

Let’s take a little food tour through Copenhagen, shall we?

Now, one of the things that my friends and I were most hesitant about in heading to Denmark was the food. I mean, doesn’t it seem that the Scandinavian countries kind of get a bad rap (despite historically housing some of the world’s best restaurants)?  Anyway, we went North thinking we’d spend most of the week avoiding pickled herring, and we really couldn’t be more wrong.

In wandering through the pristinely maintained maze of gorgeous buildings around the capital, we saw nary a pickled fish.  Anything but.  In fact, it seemed that everyone’s favourite accessory was an ice cream cone, and I am all about that life.

With a little help from our tour guide, Will, we discovered a few things about Danish cuisine.  

They love pork.

In fact, they are among the world’s largest pork exporters! Who knew? 

Traditional meatballs, found at the most amazing food market!

Crispy Danish roast pork with cracklings.

They love hot dogs, and their presence in Danish gastronomy has an interesting history.

Traditional hot dog with pickles, crispy onions and the most delicious bun I’d ever had.

They love marshmallows/meringues.

My ice cream, with Guf, the popular marshmallow/meringue topping.

Flødeboller (Chocolate Marshmallow Domes) – they reminded me of Mallomars.

They love, love their open-faced sandwiches (Smørrebrød).

And frankly, we did, too. As you can see, they are anything but basic.

Their bread and pastry game was top-notch.

Almond croissant from Buka.

Every meal and every dish, regardless of whether it was from a Michelin-star restaurant or the local cafe, was meticulously assembled and presented.

And delish.

Copehagen, thank you for feeding us well. I hope to see you again soon.