Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Hello, birthday week!

Yup, it’s that time of the year when the summer sun is shining upon this Leo. 43.  More on that later this week and also, time for cake.

As for how the last one went, we got our first taste of fall and I wasn’t mad about it. Cooler days with less humidity makes this girl a happy camper, and while I do hope I get a few more days at the pool before the leaves change, I’m ready to embrace my favourite season.

I hope you had a good week. The Olympics are winding down, which makes me sad, but luckily I have some Grand Slam tennis and football around the corner to keep the good juju going.  As well as a new sense of joy around these parts, it seems.

The word on the ‘net? Here we go.

It works! D had the theory 10 years ago that the only reason she didn’t get food poisoning in India (as opposed to some of her fellow tour mates) was because she had a Coke at every meal. Seems she’s not the only one that swears by this home remedy. Side note- I think Paris has hosted a great games, but their one job was to make sure athletes feel safe and having to drop out of an event you’ve worked your whole life for because you think the water may kill you really isn’t fair. It may be cool to swim in the Seine but even cooler to be able compete safely.

Related but not, I’m totally applying to volunteer for LA!

Rise of the anti-trad wife. Thank GOD because that shit is not realistic.

A fitting birthday-week read:  the betrayal of the middle-aged body.  I took up strength training this year (after years of resistance because I’m a cardio girl all the way) and 6 months in I can say – dammit, it makes a difference.  In the words of my favourite Peloton strength instructor, “getting older is a privilege and getting stronger is a choice.” And I’m here to make sure I stay young while getting old.

Another sign of aging? I just love peeking into others’ creative design styles! While my house is pretty much set as far as decor, but it’s still fun! How cute are these?

Earthquakes are the most frightening to me.

The guy that sat between me and R on our 9 hour flight back from Madrid this summer did not read anything, watch anything and barely slept. He just sat there, staring straight ahead. We both thought he was nuts but apparently it’s a thing?  But also, it’s still nuts. Where is your joy??

As someone who did fly across the pond to go see TS, I was heartbroken for the folks in Vienna, and very well know that that could have been my trip, too. However, GLITTER PERSISTS and the community that I kinda sort of accidentally became a part of is showing us all the true meaning of community and girl power.  There’s nothing a Swiftie can’t do – 1, 2, 3…let’s go BITCH!

Summer’s not over yet and if you’re already looking forward to next summer and live by a swimmable, alligator-free body of water, I can’t recommend a SUP enough. I use mine all the time and love it. If you’re on the fence, or committing, here’s a helpful list that can help you grab next summer’s toy while it’s on sale!

Also, friendly reminder to register to vote.

Have a great week!