Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

Well, we are solidly into the end of summer. My lovely town-that-happens-to-have-a-college-in-it has now been overrun with…well, college kids which means that at least for the next few weeks I’ll be avoiding Target and Trader Joe’s like they house the plague.  Football Saturdays that start next week make my weekend world a little smaller as I try to avoid certain areas and cooler temps in the morning mean that yesterday was likely our last lake day of the season.

So, silver linings with fall- let’s bring on the apples.

In other news, L popped over from DC for a never-long-enough but nice catch up on Saturday. Do you know we’ve known each other for 19 years?! We met in law school, where she claimed that one day “she thought she had made a friend” when we met in and sat next to each other in class one hour and then her heart sunk when I didn’t say hi to her the next class hour.  She still holds that slight over my head, but I claim that I was then (and am sometimes still now), aloof and I didn’t mean it obviously because here we are almost two decades later. Old friends are really some of the best friends.

As for the week, whether or not you follow politics- I read something on instagram that it’s been so nice the last few weeks with everyone seemingly united around the Olympics and then a lot of us around the DNC. I agree! The things we didn’t know we lost when streaming took over the world.

Here’s what else caught my eye:

If you happened to watch the DNC and thought “this playlist is LIT” during the roll call- here’s for your next road trip.

Wasn’t back to school shopping the best day of the year? I’d argue moreso than like, Christmas.  Anyway, here’s how to channel those good vibes even if you’re long past getting newly sharpened pencils this fall.

Can you believe those astronauts aren’t coming home until FEBRUARY?  Houston- what the hell?

Having trouble keeping things organised? I’m a big fan of the “tidy toss.” I have these in my closet for annoying things like bathing suits, shorts, socks and things I don’t use very often like hiking gear.

Sights of summer.

Eating plastic? Well, we kind of eat it anyway, but there may be a better way.

An interesting read: why are there two Dakotas? Carolinas? Virginias? Here you go.

I started playing tennis when I was approximately 4 years old and therefore scoring to me was just something I learned, like a language. However, it makes me giggle when people who are new to the game try and figure out the scoring. One friend exclaimed, “some scores aren’t even numbers!”  Ha! She’s not wrong.  If you’re just getting started or heading to a US Open watch party – this one’s for you. I mean, if we can understand the basics of football – we’ve got this.

Ya’ll ready for the Paralympics?

More Ted Lasso?! Say it is so!

If you’re like I am and already planning travel for 2025, here’s what we all need to know about those new European visas.

Back to school time needs back to school cookies. Can’t go wrong with classic PB or the best cowboys.

Have a great week!





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