Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

I’m sitting on my couch this weekend, taking it in and gearing up for later this week when my fall travel ramps up. I have some work and some play and nothing quite as long as my stints abroad this summer.  It’s been a nice month or so to be home, but as it happens, I’m getting the itch again.

Six days in New Mexico, let’s go.

Otherwise, I’ve been sitting on edge lately. I can’t pinpoint why, but hopefully a few days away from my everyday in the great wide west will reset things. Nature and adventure always do.

I hope you can find your own version of nature and adventure to recharge your batteries, too.

Let’s get to it:

Are you a no-shoes household?  I guess we never were growing up but ever since I’ve had my own house I have always been. I think part of it is living in the north where shoes are full of salt and slush in the winter, or in the past in the city where you’re stepping on God-knows-what, it’s just a no-brainer.  Most of my friends’ houses are too.  What’s your take? It’s apparently very polarising!

I was so happy to see Kate is now cancer-free but it begs the question- she’s 42, why so young? As we know, cancer in young people are on the rise- and here are a few possible reasons.

Gah, I really, really want to stay in one of these tiny hotels!

Sigh. I dream of this regularly. Where to go, though?

Ha. The benefits of the #FartWalk.

RIP James Earl Jones. This one hit.

As school is back in session around the country, I found this interesting- saving the idea of the University.

Love live the Contessa. Her chocolate cake remains one of my family’s go-tos.

ICYMI- I reinvented my family’s pound cake recipe, and it’s top notch.

Have a great week!

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