Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

I apologise for the radio silence this week. I was out in Santa Fe for work and between the conference and then the barrage of work and life that hit hard when I got back late, late Wednesday evening.   It was all work and no play until Saturday, when I took two, 2-hour long naps and spent it, screen-free on the couch with Crawley. It was the rest and recharge that I needed and now I’m feeling good as we head into the new week (and the new month!). 

And I can’t wait to tell you about my adventures out west, so stay tuned for that.

As for the webs, I found some things to pique my interest. Here goes:

Have you heard of the Waffle House index? It’s soo southern, but it is jokingly a way to measure the seriousness of an impending hurricane.  As for me, a survivor or Hurricane Andrew (’92) and a refugee from Hurricane Katrina (’05) I’m still going to trust NOAA and the National Hurricane Center, thanks.

We arent’ the only ones that are affected by hurricanes. Poor birds!

Speaking of, if you can help, here are some ways you can help give to those in distress. I was a firsthand recipient of American Red Cross funds after Katrina, so I can say that every little bit helps.

Dear Maggie. Thank you.

The #1 thing that D is excited about for whenever we get to Japan is cute food. Seems it’s a trend that it catching on here on the westside.

My Costc0-obsessed group of friends will appreciate this one – how to read a Costco price tag

For my Chicago peeps- how Malort became a right of passage. Gross. 

Murphy Brown, and her relevance today.

Not quite hitting fall temps where you are? This apple cider iced tea is a great transition sip!

Also, these easy baked apples really elevate breakfast/snack/dessert.

HA. Welcome to autumn. Have you got your gourds yet?

Have a great week!



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