Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.


I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. I was down in Florida doing the Disney thing, and stepped off the plane into a winter wonderland. Snowy, it was not but that wind chill is always no bueno.

In other news, the Holiday Hustle season is real. I hadn’t even unpacked from my trip when my inbox at work acted like I had been gone for weeks.  It’s made for song long, very busy days, and I am looking forward to time off in a few weeks to be still like vegetables, lay like broccoli.  But first, we hustle.

I’ve barely been able to do anything productive in the kitchen, and have mostly been relying on eating out and others to feed me, which is never my preference. I did a full grocery run yesterday for some good batch meals, and even left some wiggle room for sweet treats since, it is the holidaze after all.

Caramel nut crunch…it’s coming.

Anyway, here’s what caught my fancy this week. 

I love Dick Van Dyke

Long live all the magic we made. Thank you, Taylor. I had the time of my life…with you.

If you’re like I am and planning a trip to the UK in 2025, an FYI.

The decline of American romance. I co-sign this.

Call me old (I’ve been called that more than once recently…by someone who is actually older than I am), but I agree that online shopping sucks. I’d much rather go out and about to find gifts but…stores don’t stock everything anymore and so I’m send to search online anyway. (This being said, I’ve got some local faves to share below)

One of my favorite small businesses here in town is Rock Paper Scissors. If you or someone you know is a Swiftie, into all things Gilmore Girls or just has more snark than she/he/they know what to do with…this shop is for you! I have a really hard time not buying everything in here when I stroll through.

Also, if your loved ones love food, I’m pointing you towards another favorite local business, Zingerman’s (you’ve seen them before!).

Yes, I believe in horoscopes and apparently next year is a doozy. As if we didn’t already figure that one out.

Yes to this. I eat 90% of my meals out of a bowl.

Finally, it’s soup season! Let’s get after it.