Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful week with your families, whether or not you had holidays to celebrate.  I hope your days were slower and less packed, and that you had more time to use this time to ferment and recharge before we all enter 2025 with a bang. Because we know the days-in-between don’t last as long as we all wish they would.

I’m going to keep it brief since I’m also trying to stay off the computer this week, but here are a few links to get you through that morning cup of joe.

The UK is closing its last coal plant. Good on them! If they can do it…why can’t we?

How about some funny tweets for a smile?

Traitors- dude, I don’t like reality shows and I got into this way faster than I could have ever predicted.

People are putting glitter in their pickles and like…why?

I’ve been talking about my love of cookbook clubs for years, and my friends and I are definitely bringing ours back this winter.

OMG apparently there is still a heated debate going on about whether the earth if flat.  smacks forehead

And with that, I’m out.

Have a great week!