Sunday Somethings- February 2025

Sunday Somethings- February 2025

Hello, February. Glad to see you.

January was the longest, but is there any promise February will get any better?  Sorry to be doom and gloom but the news every day just….

It’s getting harder each day to find that little bit of JOY that I promised myself a month ago.

This post was a lot more Debbie Downer than it was on the first draft, but let’s shake it off, and try and focus on what I’m looking forward to this February, k? I hope you have fun things to keep that North Star bright!

wishing: lots of wishes.

hoping: i make it through cold and flu season unscathed. 

thinking: it’s a busy month- i better make sure i get my rest.

counting: down to Disney at the end of the month, because if i ever needed some magic healing, it’s now.

praying: for a miracle.

planning: summer travels for these tennis tourists- back to the UK we go.

dreaming: i dreamed a dream…

reading: outlive: the science and art of longeivity.

watching: a lot of disney movies.

eating: this tuscan bread soup on repeat.

wearing: my new ugg knock-offs – so cozy! and on sale!

finding: comfort in crawley snuggles

I hope you have your own crawley to take comfort in as well. have a good month.