Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Hello, Monday.

I’ve been cozily tucked in my house this weekend, not too mad about the winter storm that rolled through town. With nowhere to go, it was a good opportunity to be still, indulge in comfort like Bridget Jones, magic cookie bars, light reading, Crawley snuggles and long naps.  The days in between the weekends have been stressful and rolling by like molasses, so I’m using this long weekend to mentally recover.  Light movement and catch-ups with friends round out what have been a pretty good weekend.

I hope that you’re also making self-care a priority. If you’re like me, that means cutting back on the doomscrolling that has taken over too much of my time every evening and finding the joy while still staying informed.  Calm news launched this week on Apple podcasts, and it was just the thing I didn’t know that I needed. No ulterior motives here, just something that I enjoy that you may enjoy as well.

As for the internet, was it all bad? I found some gems.

Still working on that New Years’ resolution without much success? Try the 1% rule– it makes total sense, and sometimes the smallest steps end up being the most impactful!

I’m sure you’ve seen the video of the guy that was almost swallowed by a whale? Mother Nature is wild- I don’t mess with her. Also, you don’t know the ocean!

America’s first car free neighborhood is doing pretty well- more of this please!  If I had a lightrail within walking distance of my house, you wouldn’t be able to keep me off of it.

I feel like my friends and I are pros at the unstructured hang! I’m also realizing how much just some contact with my bests improve my mental health dramatically – especially these days.

I’ve really been enjoying the SNL tributes this week. I’ve never been a huge watcher of the show, but I can appreciate the role it’s played in popular culture. We have Lorne to thank for all of it.

As a big fan of regular German wine, I’m excited to see that they are leading the charge on the 0% varietals!

A look at the near dealth experience…interesting.

For those of you that know me, you know that Sunday is #PancakeSunday in my house. Every single Sunday that I”m home. A few weeks ago my grocery store was (not surprisingly) out of eggs, so I made a chia egg as a substitute and don’t you know my pancakes were so much fluffier! I think I’ll stick with this trick post-bird flu.

I love this story of female friendship– and am happy to say I have more than a few of these gal pals in my life.