Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Well, I spent the last week in a viral fog after I caught whatever is going around these days. Per my usual, I spent the week wallowing in self-pity, as I tend to do when I’m feeling ill.  Woe is me, I am alone and have no one to care for me.

In reality, not true. My little Ann Arbor village offered to run errands, bring me soup, etc all week long, and for that I love them. But still, being sick is for the birds.  I guess these days, literally with the bird flu.

The timing isnt’ terrible to be honest- it’s been a bit since I’ve been proper ill, and this one hit me right in the middle of Disney and San Diego (for which I leave on Tuesday) so here’s to that. Being sick on vacation, or when traveling at all is really the worst.

Despite being sick, I’m pretty proud of what I did accomplish yesterday- I washed all the sheets, even the duvet (long overdue). Prepped a recipe for ya’ll this week (it’s a St. Patrick’s Day miracle!).  Made myself feel like a person by actually drying and curling my hair. It’s the little things.And here are a few little things that caught my eye this week:

In the best news of the week, Ted Lasso is coming back!

A $20 strawberry, and the fall of the Roman Empire (and the impending fall of America’s?).

Powered by poop. How Japan is using cow manure for good!

Can a trio friendship actually work?  H, L and I prove that it can, 21 years and counting!

Architectural feats like this never cease to amaze me.

Pet sitting? How about bread sitting?  People are SERIOUS about their sourdough starters!

Irish seafood? YES.  Despite very popular misconceptions, I found the food in Ireland to be delicious.  Here’s a glimpse as to why.

Speaking of Ireland, and since St. Patrick’s Day is tomorrow- I wanted to remind you that if you haven’t made my mom’s corned beef hash yet, you must!

And maybe this whiskey banana bread….

That’s it – have a good week!

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