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Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

My favorite Sunday links.

Easy Tahini Brownies

Easy Tahini Brownies

Easy tahini brownies come together in one bowl with no mixer required – silky rich tahini subs for butter in these brownies to add a little something extra.

Short Rib Chili

Short Rib Chili

It’s Super Bowl week! As in the one party outside of Thanksgiving that is all about the food. For this year, I’m firing up the slow cooker and making this short rib chili.


Sunday Somethings – February 2024

Sunday Somethings – February 2024

What I’m hoping for this February 2024.

Balsamic Chocolate Sauce

Balsamic Chocolate Sauce

Balsamic chocolate sauce adds a little tang and depth to traditional almost too-sweet homemade hot fudge sauce – a delicious way to elevate dessert!

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

As I’m writing this I’m watching Fool Me Once on Netflix and OMG WHAT. WHAT.  

Anyway, so far so good.

Otherwise, in Michigan we’re still stuck in what seems like the Folklore album cover. The fog has been around for days, blending in with the January grey sky and melting snow. It’s pretty and messy and I’m just glad that I don’t have to leave the house unless I want. Last year I made the executive decision as the COO of my household to get hygge with the decor after the Christmas frivolity came down, and therefore instead of lamenting about The Longest Month, I’ve actually embraced it and look forward to daily cocooning in my cozy blankets and Mickey slippers. with the fireplace roaring, Crawley happy on my lap. Bring on February.

I hope you’re finding the light in the grey. It really is all about mindset. And those cozy slippers. 

Let’s see what this week brought:

About Fool Me Once.

Who needs this? How to declutter.  I feel like I’ve gone too far with my closet- I have to go to NY for work this week and I fear I have purged one of my favorite work dresses!

New dating strategy? Can’t be worse than the apps. 

This is a few weeks old but I forgot to post it. High five to the fellow older sisters out there. 

Oh gosh, I’m the Older Person. What Older People are saying about the youths these days…

Karma is topping your ex boyfriend’s new song with yours that’s 13 years old.

Ever wonder what happens to babies that are born mid-flight? Interesting!

Oh, Chicago is my kinda town.

Upping that roast chicken game. YES!

Julia Child wisdom for your back pocket. I, for one, have made many a too-salty soup.

ICYMI, game day foods because LET’S GO LIONS. Don’t forget to add these wings to that list.

That’s all I’ve gone. Have a great week!




French Onion Baked Risotto

French Onion Baked Risotto

French onion baked risotto adds the cozy and delicious flavors from the famous soup into a tasty, hands-off baked rice dish.

Japanese Barbecue Baked Wings

Japanese Barbecue Baked Wings

Japanese Barbecue Baked Wings are marinated in Japanese Barbecue sauce, throwing in tons of umami leaving you with the same sticky fingers.

Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Whew, it was a short week but it felt like a doozy didn’t it? The frigid temps continue around here which means I’m getting out less to walk and do other things, and while I am lucky to have plenty of room to spread out in the house, it’s still making me stir crazy. Fingers crossed for slightly warmer temps soon- I can handle the 20s. The less-than…not so much.

The days are still short and mornings still dark which means there’s nothing pushing me out of bed on a timely manner and the Austrialian Open is keeping me up later than I’d like. Crawley doesn’t seem all that anxious to leave our cozy warm nest in the morning either, so enable each other to sleep in, we do. Gentle January continues.

I hope you’re also staying tucked in a little longer these days. Before we know it the summer sun will have us all up an hours too early than is decent.

What’s happening this week? Let’s get to it!

I’ve been actually wreaking havoc in the kitchen, making dish after dish that I can’t wait to share. I’m also digging into the archives, and was recently reminded about how delicious these sammies were. Give them a go!

Less than a month in to the new year and Crawley has met his insurance deductible. I’ll throw all my money at this little guy- he’s my kid. A controversial turn of phrase, it seems.

Related- how far would you go?

The more I read about Scandinavia, the more I want to go. Sweden, doing cool things.

2024 Travel Resolutions– I can get behind these (and even have a few of them planned!).

Pantry staples are a personal thing, so I blanket assert that one’s list is better than another’s is wrong. This is a pretty good one though. What’s on mine?  Sambal oelek, balsamic vinegar, kimchi, oyster sauce, dijon mustard, soy sauce, to name a few. What about yours?

Gross and no.

Are we really going to be talking about this again?

I have some friends that went to see Madonna in DC and complained about how late she went on. But does this suit have merit?

I’m making this this weekend because it’s still cozy season.

That’s all I’ve got – have a great week!







Portobello Mushroom Breakfast Burger

Portobello Mushroom Breakfast Burger

This Portobello Mushroom Breakfast Burger has attitude- togarashi seasoned portobello mushroom caps are sandwiched in an egg, bacon, kimchi topped with garlic aioli.