Tag: Africa

Tahini Orange Pound Cake

Tahini Orange Pound Cake

While the internet can make many an enemy, it can also make some friends. As such, today’s musings are part of a guest post I wrote for Justine over at Just Haves. I’d like to thank her for the opportunity, and hope that you’ll head…

Piri-Piri Roast Chicken

Piri-Piri Roast Chicken

Piri-Piri Roast Chicken is the most flavorful bird you’ll ever eat, seasoned with spices influenced by Europe, South America and Africa, it’s a crowd pleasure

Vegetarian Butternut Bastilla

Vegetarian Butternut Bastilla

I want to go to there.


Wanderlust. The disease is real.

I know I need to stop being a spoiled brat about it, especially since I did just get back from vacation, and it’s not like I don’t have places to go planned for the short term (Denver for Memorial Day, L.A. for my birthday). However my need to travel to somewhere exotic won’t be fulfilled until the fall when Lettuce, Tomato and I go to Iceland/Germany/England/France/wherever we decide to go, and the fact that all of my friends are headed to Africa/England/France/Czech Republic before then does not help. At all.

Therefore, culinary travels through my kitchen will have to suffice, so working my way through the World Showcase brings me to Morocco, the land of a thousand spices for a non-dessert. Yes, I do remember how to cook and eat real food. It’s a Festivus miracle! (more…)

Ethiopian Chickpea Wat

Ethiopian Chickpea Wat

Ethiopian chickpea wat is a vegetarian delight- a hearty stew filled with all the spices for a spectacularly flavored dish.

Easy Chicken Tagine

Easy Chicken Tagine

Rachel Ray’s recipe for this easy chicken tagine is a weeknight staple – chicken breast or thighs simmer in the most flavorful broth in this Moroccan stew.

Benne Wafers

Has everyone come down from their holiday food coma yet? Yes? Well, here’s a little something to take you back up to that state of over-sugaring we let ourselves maintain until those resolutions kick in on January 1st. Benne wafers.


Spiced Sautéed Shrimp

Spiced Sautéed Shrimp borrow the flavors of the Mediterranean and Northern Africa for an easy, spicy, flavorful easy meal.

Algerian Chicken Soup

Algerian Chicken Soup

This Shorba is an Algerian Chicken Soup with a very Middle Eastern twist, full of veggies and beans and spices for the most flavorful soup.

Date Night: Magroodh, or Date-Filled Semolina Cookies

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve made dessert, and even longer since I’ve made cookies.  I was feeling pretty ambitious this past weekend with a lot of time on my hands and poo-poo’ed the idea of doing something lame like drop cookies (WAIT, I didn’t’ really mean that… I LOVE drop cookies!  Who doesn’t? Bad people, that’s who.  And I’m not bad people.  Moving on…).  I came across what looked to be a pretty tasty little delight on this awesome Libyan food blog, so I figured I’d roll up my sleeves and give it a whirl.  Magroodh, or date-filled semolina cookies, are an important part of every Eid, or festival, on the Muslim calendar, particular Eid-al-Fitar or “The Feast of Breaking the Fast” that marks the end of Ramadan.  And, since I am preparing to “break the fast” of Lent next week, I figured the time to make these was now (well, next week would have been better, but that messes up my plan a bit, so this week it is).


Perfect night.


As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not big on fruit desserts (I’m still working on the details of this manifesto), but since dates are pretty much one of the four food groups in Libya (olive oil, dates, grains and milk), I needed to give them proper deference.  Also, these cookies significantly different from any other traditional fruit cookies I’ve ever had or made for the following reasons:  (1) They are made with mostly semolina (2) There is no sugar in the dough itself (3) The fat is olive oil rather than butter and (4) They contain no eggs.  Whoa. Way to push me out of my baker’s comfort box.  Bring it- I love a challenge.


The recipe I found came from here, and I’ve made one major change. Rather than using rose water, I used citrus flavors instead.  After a call to Mama Buddha, it was determined that mixing the rose with the orange would be too overpowering and it was better to just pick one and stick with it.  Also, I couldn’t find orange blossom water and used orange juice instead.



For the dough

1 ½ cups semolina

½ cup flour

½ cup blood orange olive oil (regular olive oil is fine)

¾ tsp baking powder

½ TB orange juice added to about 1 cup warm water to knead the dough.

For the filling

1 ½ cups date paste (puree dates in a food processor)

1 tsp cinnamon

½ tsp nutmeg

½ TB blood orange olive oil

¼ cup sesame seeds

For the syrup

2 cups boiling water

1 ½ cups sugar

½ TB lemon juice

1 lemon slice

1 TB orange juice

1 TB honey



1.   Prepare the syrup by simmering all the ingredients for approximately 30 minutes until it reaches a syrupy consistency. Set aside to cool and add 1 TB honey.

2.  Make the dough:  Mix semolina, flour, baking powder, and oil.  Cover and leave to rest for about one hour.

3.  Cut the date past into small pieces, and need it with some olive oil until it is soft.  Add the cinnamon, nutmeg and sesame seeds, and knead them all together.

4.  Roll out the date paste into long ropes.


I know what this looks like, but try not to think about it.  Focus.

5. Divide the dough into two portions.  Take one portion and add the orange water until the dough is smooth and easy to shape (the dough is a bit sandy).  Form the dough into a furrow shape.

6.  Wrap the date roll into the dough.


7.  Cut the roll into small pieces at an angle.

rolled cookies


8.  Bake at 425F until golden brown, about 15 minutes.

9.  Take the cookies out of the oven and pour the syrup over the warm cookies.  Turn them every 15 minutes, allowing them to soak up the syrup.  After about 30 minutes, drain the excess syrup from the pan. (This part I actually didn’t find to be odd- this is how you make baklava- as you’ll see in a few months)



The finished product

10.  Sprinkle the cookies with sesame seeds and allow them to reset overnight before serving.

To me, they actually taste a lot like Fig Newtons, which I actually love and have fond memories of eating with Grandpa. My teammates at work, Grape, Eggplant and Peaches all seemed to enjoy them, so I consider this challenge a success.

Fig-Date Bread

Homemade fig-date bread is a hearty, healthy whole wheat bread made with yogurt, dried figs, dried dates and nuts for tons of texture and flavor.