Tag: Canada

Maple Walnut Ice Cream

Maple Walnut Ice Cream

Easy homemade maple walnut ice cream is a nod to our northern neighbors, laced throughout with salted buttered walnuts for crunch.

Eat the World: Vancouver

Eat the World: Vancouver

A recap of my trip to Vancouver.

See the World, Eat the World: Calgary

See the World, Eat the World: Calgary

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I hope you all enjoyed meeting Emilie earlier this week and now to re-introduce you to Biscuit. She’s mentioned quite often in these parts because she’s just so much fun and as further proof, she’s contributing to the “Eat the World, See the World” series that we’ve got going on here and is showing us what to see, do and more importantly eat around Calgary, with the help of her lovely sister.  Enough from me, take it away, Biscuit!

Hello again Hungary Buddha internet besties! You may remember me, Biscuit, from last year when I shared my OMGmostfavouritesaladever (aka: summer panzanella) recipe. As you can imagine with a nickname like Biscuit I try to sneak buttery, lightly toasted bread into perfectly healthy recipes whenever I can. More is more when it comes to carbs.

While Chrissy is travelling the Pacific, with a little help from my sister, I’m going take you on a tour of Calgary. Let’s eat…and walk…because, carbs. And ice cream! Oh my goodness gracious, the ice cream.

Let me clear something up first; I’m not an expert on Calgary eats. I don’t live there, my sister does; I visit and try to drink as many lattes, eat as many almond croissants, and lick as many ice cream cones as possible. If there was a Calgary Indulgence Olympics I’d be a rose-gold medalist. Pretty shiny things!

I live in Southwestern Ontario and usually take the once daily flight from Kitchener to Calgary which arrives around 9pm local time which is just late enough to see the Calgary Tower illuminated and just early enough to still get ice cream at Village!


Calgary has been a bit cold and dreary this summer but I’ve always had exceptional weather when I’ve visited…except that one October when it snowed every day…but we don’t talk about that. Are you a morning person? I’m a morning person who loves 10 extra minutes in bed. With a two hour time difference I always wake up extra early in YYC and let me tell you, sunny, endless blue sky mornings in Calgary are exceptionally beautiful.

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Maple Walnut Fruit Dip

Maple Walnut Fruit Dip

Cream Cheese Fruit Dip flavored with real maple syrup and dotted with toasted walnuts make up this delicious maple walnut fruit dip.

Maple Walnut Muffins

Maple Walnut Muffins

Sweet maple walnut muffins are something a little different from your ordinary breakfast fare and a nod to the True North.

Maple Crème Brûlée

Maple Crème Brûlée

I’m super excited about this Maple Crème Brûlée but I’m equally excited about the fact that I recently discovered Bridget Jones’ Diary on Netflix and I immediately felt compelled to watch it despite the fact that I own it, and it has been sitting idly in my drawer for probably years. It was a fan favorite back in my college days, and my friend and I watched it to the point that it became that movie- the one we recited word for word, quoting it in normal-speak, and we often sent each other BJD related trinkets. In fact, I still have a card on my refrigerator emblazoned with a man in a reindeer jumper that Treacle sent me so long ago. Be still my heart. In any case, I found that all these years later, I can still quote the movie word for word and the same parts make me laugh, cry, cringe and sympathize with the unlikely hero. We share a few unfortunate traits- verbal diarrhea being one-and let’s just say I’m really glad there was no fireman’s pole on the Today Show. Anyway, it gives me good thoughts of my Mr. Darcy, still out there waiting for me.

That was random (#deepthoughts) and not really related to food (don’t worry, no plans to make blue string soup anytime soon), but do you know what else gives me good thoughts? This.


Bacon-Infused Coffee Caramel

Bacon-Infused Coffee Caramel

Bacon drippings and coffee come together in this bacon-infused coffee caramel sauce, which will give your ice cream smoky satisfaction.