Hello, Sunday.
The picture above indicates the silent protest that went on in my house as I finally got around to taking down the Christmas decorations this weekend. I know, Crawley, I didn’t want them to come down, either. My house is a sadder place for it.
In other news, I can’t seem to focus on much these days because I’m just so darn excited about heading to Vietnam with my girls in a few weeks. Gah, it’s so close. So much time, so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.
Otherwise, we keep on moving forward and we blink and January is half over. It’s been a bit of a s&*thole week, if you catch my drift. Sigh. Smh.
Do you feel your work makes a difference in people’s lives? Ikigai: A Japanese concept to improve work and life.
This is a reprint from a few years ago, but with Meghan Markle now on the world’s radar, it was republished: I’m More Than an Other, where she speaks about being bi-racial. I can totally relate to this in more ways than one (um, yes, I did have The Heart Family dolls) and always felt conflicted over the Other selection in the “check the ethnicity” box. I am also an “other,” and I chose to check that rather than having to pick one parent over the other.
Happiness is thinking like an old person. I can get behind that.
To reiterate what I said the other day, make fitness fun! Shaun T sure does (though, he also makes it effing hard).
A grammar analysis. It’s an amusing read.
13 Foods that Can Affect your Sleep. In case you are having trouble sleeping, or need a pick me up.
Serena, poised for a comeback (as if she was every really out).
Blood Orange creme brûlée? Yes please!
Pizza cinnamon rolls? A moron knows this isn’t right. But, this is amusing.
Teenagers are eating laundry pods, and there’s proof that we are just getting dumber.
But, then we remember that there is still good in the world.
That’s all I’ve got. Have a great week!
I’d like to think my work makes a difference in people’s lives. I do not find decorating trivial but instead believes it’s super important for everyday happiness. Don’t be sad about the Christmas decor coming down Chrissy because pretty soon spring will be here and we can bring in fresh flowers – whoo hoo.
It totally does. You make a house into a home- you surely did for mine!
While I’m not about to make creme brulee for myself I sure wouldn’t be mad if I came across blood orange creme brulee at a restaurant. I took all my Christmas stuff down the first weekend in January but didn’t have any energy left to put the tree in the box, did that on Friday and shockingly, I’m not as sad as I thought that it’s all put away.
I’m already thinking of where to put my tree next year in what will hopefully be my new place!