Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Happy weekend! I hope yours is full of good friends and calming activities. Ham and I got all new age and made vision boards yesterday (mine, pictured above), so let’s see what the universe delivers this year. Have you ever made a vision board? It was all arts and crafts in my house yesterday with glue sticks, poster board and danceable tunes in the background. Good fun.

I’ve got less than two weeks until #Vietnamaste, and so much to do until then. Packing!

I don’t even know what happened in the world this week. Well, I do, but I try to block some of it out. But for some reason I am entirely fascinated by that horror house in California. I mean, I can’t even wrap my mind around it.  The story continues to unfold and I’m reading it all up.

Here’s some more, newsworthy or not:

I can scarcely remember when I had a spontaneous friend encounter in my adulthood. There is no such thing as the “drop-in” anymore, is there. More often in city life but even then, a rarity.  How our housing choices make adult friendships more difficult.

For when you don’t want to go out…

Why a woman might be stand-offish. This is pretty darn scary.

One year later, we still march.

I just love the Olympics!  I’m sure more stories like this to come.

Most dog owners would rather hang with their dogs than other people. I think cat owners share in this. Crawley is the best sort of companion.

This bread is surely too beautiful to eat.

I made this for dinner last night, and it was fab!  Skinny fried rice.

Have a fantastic week!




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