Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

I hope that you are all tucked in to the long weekend, and have one more day to keep your feet up tomorrow. Thank you to all the men and women that make our freedoms, both the everyday and that from work tomorrow, possible.

I spent mine with friends, spending lazy days talking and eating the time away, with more of the same yet to come. It feeds my soul in a way that I haven’t really since I moved here, and it makes me happy to know that slowly but surely I’ve started to build the same sort of life and network in my not-quite-so-new-to-me-anymore town. More on this later this week, but for now, suffice it to say that I’m loving it, and hopefully there is more days like this to come.

What happened this week? Well, I’ll click bait for everything Royal Wedding, but I’ll do my best to spare you that. Otherwise, let’s see…

Stories for Memorial Day.

Random but interesting: how white nationalists distort the science of population genetics.

How accurate are those online DNA tests?

The history of Mar-a-Lago is a glamorous and interesting one, and who knew?

The profound presence of Doria Ragland.

Good for a chuckle: why everyone looks better in sunglasses.

A woman is leading the NYSE. Finally.

Just for fun: a history of the scrunchie (you know we all wore them).

This looks right up my alley: blueberry rhubarb pie ice cream parfaits.

That’s all I’ve got. Now, go out and play!





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