Sunday Somethings

Sunday Somethings

Hello, Sunday.

Sorry for being MIA this week but the heat wave and my broken air conditioner meant that I was staying at Mom’s and the lengthened commute means longer days and someone to cook for me. Hey, who am I to refuse Mom-food?  Right.  As a thank you for her efforts, I did make some strawberry shortcake (pictured above, #worldsbestdaughter).

Good news is that the AC is fixed and Crawley and I are back to our normal and food will be coming at you this week. Good food things, if I say so myself.

The news. Ugh. Do we have to?

It’s better to be single? Well, it’s nice to know that, scientifically, I’m living life right.

Australia is now fining those that do not vaccinate their children.  Mmmm.

There’s no fundamental right to learn to read and write, it seems. Maybe not legally, but IMO, it fits right in there with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (which, incidentally, is most likely made possible by learning to read and write…).

I heart London.

Today’s masculinity is stifling. Lettuce has been harping on this for years, since she saw a noticeable change in her then-boyfriend when they were living abroad versus when they were living here in the States- he had to shut down his sensitivity in order to be more masculine. I wonder if it’s a US- cultural thing?

Rest assured, our national cheese stockpile is at an all-time high.

In the age of our firearm free-for-all, why don’t insurance companies don’t ask about gun ownership?

What the Gates Foundation learned by offering 52-week maternity leave. Is this a trend that other US employers will follow? Geesh, we’ve just got to catch up with the rest of the world on this!

In praise of extreme moderation.  

It’s too hot for the oven. Let’s no bake.

Have a great week!







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