Monday Musings

Monday Musings

Happy Monday to you!

Suffice it to say that the weekend got away from me, but I got away with having lots of good food, good times. That’s more than I can say about the news this week. I just can’t any more, and started rewatching The West Wing because it just makes me feel good to imagine…something greater than what I see on TV.

If you need some good feels and good vibes relating to politics, I suggest you do the same thing.

Anyway, whadda ya say?  Here’s what they say:

My rapist’s wife. A worthy read.

How to cultivate adult friendships. Because it’s not as easy as sitting next to someone in econ any more.

The Rules of Business. Rules of life, really. They’re good, read them!

My den is my favorite room in the house.  A Workspace of One’s Own.

Sometimes I really miss Chicago.

How cauliflower took over the world.

My ideal lunch guests would be Kate Middleton and Reese Witherspoon.  Throw in Kate Winslet and it’ll be a party.

I’m super into this coconut shrimp.

Okay. It’s time for this.

And finally, a feel good. For all the nurses out there.

Have a good week!







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